RD2L Season 29 Econ Team Review

1 min readJul 19, 2023

Stang: $100 Legend 3 carry. Here’s all the other things you can get for $100:

644 bananas, .05 ounces of gold, 2.8 billion Venezuelan pesos, 151 pounds of table salt, 1 banana coated with .04 ounces of gold salted and covered in $100 million Venezuelan pesos.

Muggsy: The most underappreciated part of having Muggsy on a team with Kai is once per series between the 20 and 30 minute mark Kai and Muggsy will argue about whether or not Kai should join team fights or split push and blame each other for the loss. This is great for team morale as it shifts blame away from the team’s garbage safe lane.

Vivi: Rushes Dagon on all his supports to “pop Linken’s sphere” and because Dagon is “a better force staff because it does damage.”

Kai: Will tank a Meepo and Arc Warden ban. His biggest contribution is his arguments with Muggsy, which distracts the rest of the team from the fact that the hard support’s hero pool consists entirely of position 5 gyrocopter, the carry can only reliably play Ursa and the position 4 support has brown boots and a Dagon 5.

Econ: Tanks a Gyro ban for the team and subsequently proceeds to feed fist blood.




Statistician, Gamer, Fed Watcher, Activist Investor